InTensorFlowbyZaid AlyafeaiA Gentle Introduction to TensorFlow.jsTensorflow.js is a library built on deeplearn.js to create deep learning modules directly on the browser. Using that you can create CNNs…Apr 3, 20188Apr 3, 20188
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InArtificial Intelligence Laboratory — Telkom Universitybyanditya.arifiantoLearn and Play with TensorFlow.js [Part 1: Linear Regression]TensorFlow.js Tutorial series. Learn and Build a simple Linear Regression using TensorFlow.jsMay 7, 2019May 7, 2019
InAnalytics VidhyabyRishit DagliGetting started with Deep Learning in browser with TF.jsIf you are a beginner in Machine Learning and want to get started with developing models in the browser this is for you, if you already…Mar 31, 20201Mar 31, 20201